Long-Awaited Open-World Survival Follow-Up Ark 2 is Still On Track for Late 2024

Long-Awaited Open-World Survival Follow-Up Ark 2 is Still On Track for Late 2024

Good news for fans eagerly awaiting the sequel to the popular open-world survival game, Ark: Survival Evolved – it seems that Ark 2, which, yes, features Vin Diesel riding dinosaurs, is still on course for a late 2024 release. This news comes directly from Snail Games CEO, Jim Tsai, who recently spoke at the Noblecon19 business conference in December.

Jim Tsai, CEO of Snail Games

Snail Games, a China-based developer, has previously collaborated with other development studios on a variety of successful titles, such as Studio Wildcard’s Ark: Survival Evolved and Survival Ascended, as well as action-RPG Wushu Chronicles, and the daring pirate-themed MMO Atlas.

Tsai excitedly referred to Ark 2 as their “next masterpiece” and was bullish about the late 2024 release window. This statement put to rest earlier rumors suggesting that Ark 2 might be delayed into 2025, which had been debunked at the time by support studio Digital Domain.

Vin Diesel in Ark 2

Ark 2’s release journey has not been a smooth one, as it has faced multiple delays since its original announcement. Initially due for release on PC and Xbox Series X/S platforms in 2022, the game was pushed back to 2023, and finally into next year, 2024. Fortunately for its fans, it appears that a fourth delay isn’t looming this time.

While the standout feature of Ark 2 is undoubtedly Vin Diesel riding dinosaurs, many details about the game remain under wraps. What we do know is that the sequel will follow in its predecessor’s footsteps as a survival game, with one notable addition: Souls-like melee combat. This is guaranteed to create an even more intense, captivating experience for players.

Ark 2 Game Map Preview

With the long-awaited Ark 2 sticking to its late 2024 release, fans of survival games and fans of Vin Diesel can get ready to jump into an immersive, unique open-world experience. While there’s still much to be revealed in terms of gameplay and story, the anticipation for this game is only growing. Riders – saddle up your dinosaurs and prepare to dive into this thrilling adventure.

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