
Here are all of the racial traits in WoW Classic

Here are all of the racial traits in WoW Classic

As a WoW expert, I’m here to help you choose the perfect race and class combination to dominate the battlegrounds in Classic WoW. In this guide, we’ll go over the racial abilities and bonuses for each Alliance and Horde race and how they can benefit various play styles, roles, and classes. We’ll provide detailed insight into specific class and race combinations that work well together, their strengths and weaknesses. So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

Alliance Racial Abilities


Class Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior
Dwarf Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gnome Yes Yes Yes
Human Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Night Elf Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Orc Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tauren Yes Yes Yes Yes
Troll Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Undead Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


  • Find Treasure: Allows the dwarf to sense nearby treasure, making it appear on the minimap.
  • Frost Resistance: Increases Frost Resistance by 10 (flat).
  • Gun Specialization: Guns skill increased by 5 (flat).
  • Stoneform: Grants immunity to Bleed, Poison, and Disease effects when activated. Armor is also increased by 10%.


  • Arcane Resistance: Arcane Resistance increased by 10 (flat).
  • Expansive Mind: Intelligence increased by 5%.
  • Engineering Specialization: Engineering skill increased by 15 (flat).
  • Escape Artist: Escape the effects of any immobilization or movement speed reduction effect.


  • Diplomacy: Reputation gains increased.
  • Perception: Increases stealth detection for a short time.
  • Sword Specialization: Skill with Swords and Two-Handed Swords increased by 5 (flat)
  • Mace Specialization: Skill with Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 5 (flat)
  • The Human Spirit: Increases spirit by 5%.

Night Elf

  • Nature Resistance: Nature Resistance increased by 10 (flat).
  • Wisp Spirit: Turn into a wisp upon death, increasing movement speed by 50%.
  • Quickness: Dodge chance increased by 1%.
  • Shadowmeld: Slip into the shadows, reducing the chance for enemies to detect your presence.

Horde Racial Abilities


  • Axe Specialization: Skill with Axes and Two-Handed Axes increased by 5 (flat).
  • Blood Fury: Increases base melee attack power by 25% for 15 sec and reduces healing effects on you by 50% for 25 sec.
  • Command: Damage dealt by Hunter and Warlock pets increased by 5%.
  • Hardiness: Chance to resist Stun effects increased by an additional 25%.


  • Cultivation: Herbalism skill increased by 15 (flat).
  • Endurance: Total Health increased by 5%.
  • Nature Resistance: Nature Resistance increased by 10 (flat).
  • War Stomp: Stuns up to 5 enemies within 8 yds for 2 seconds.


  • Beast Slaying: Damage dealt versus Beasts increased by 5%.
  • Berserking: Increases your casting and attack speed by 10% to 30% based on the decrease in your HP.
  • Bow Specialization: Skill with Bow Weapons increased by 5 (flat).
  • Regeneration: Health regeneration rate increased by 10%. 10% of total health regeneration may continue during combat.
  • Throwing Specialization: Skill with Throwing Weapons increased by 5 (flat).


  • CannibalizeWhen activated, regenerates 7% of total health every 2 sec for 10 sec. Only works on Humanoid or Undead corpses within 5 yards. Any movement, action, or damage taken while Cannibalizing will cancel the effect. This is a neat thematic addition to the race even if it doesn’t have a huge amount of uses.
  • Shadow Resistance: Shadow Resistance increased by 10.
  • Underwater Breathing: Underwater breath lasts 300% longer than normal. Any current Undead player might wish they could have the newer version of this trait.
  • Will of the Forsaken: Provides immunity to Charm, Fear and Sleep while active. May also be used while already afflicted by Charm, Fear or Sleep. Lasts 5 sec. This will surely have a ton of uses in PVP to help you break free and escape or close the distance on a target.


  • Cultivation: Herbalism skill increased by 15. This trait can help you get a head start on making some money. Remember, there aren’t any World Quests, so professions are important!
  • Endurance: Total Health increased by 5%. This could help anyone who is looking to play a tank and doesn’t have the best gear available.
  • Nature Resistance: Nature Resistance increased by 10.
  • War StompStuns up to 5 enemies within 8 yards for 2 sec. This stun can help a lot while tanking to manage pulling several enemies at once.


  • Beast Slaying: Damage dealt versus Beasts increased by 5%. A great trait for solo PVE content. This lets your pet do most of the work.
  • Berserking: Increases your casting and attack speed by 10% to 30%. At full health the speed increase is 10% with a greater effect up to 30% if you are badly hurt when you activate Berserking. Lasts 10 sec.This trait alone makes Trolls one of the best races for the Horde in PVE content.
  • Bow Specialization: Skill with Bow Weapons increased by 5. Hunter players should seriously consider how impactful this trait is. The higher skill means you’ll hit higher levels enemy more and increase your overall damage output.
  • Regeneration: Health regeneration rate increased by 10%. 10% of total Health regeneration may continue during combat.
  • Throwing Specialization: Skill with Throwing Weapons increased by 5.

That’s all of them! They were a lot different back then, and if you want to min/max, knowing which race to pick is essential.

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