LoL Guides

Best support champions to pair with Nilah in League of Legends

Best support champions to pair with Nilah in League of Legends

As a League of Legends expert, I would like to suggest a list of the best support champions to pair with Nilah, a marksmen character who excels in the bot lane. To unleash her true potential, we should consider support champions that synergize well with her playstyle, cover her weaknesses, and contribute to the overall team composition.

Tips for Maximizing Your Team’s Synergy While Playing With Nilah
a. Provide vision around important objectives to ensure safety when taking fights
b. Look for opportunities to use Nilah’s Ultimate to set up gank opportunities across the map
c. Focus on teamfight positioning, making sure your carry is in the safest spot possible

Let’s discuss some of the top choices:

  1. Yuumi


  • Healer and shielder
  • Offers constant support
  • Grants attack/movement speed and a shield
  • Lower difficulty than Nilah
  • Losing a great deal of engage potential
    Synergy and Strategies: As mentioned earlier, Yuumi is possibly the best support for a melee-focused character like Nilah due to her healing and shielding capabilities. When attached to Nilah using You and Me! (W), Yuumi offers consistent assistance throughout the game. However, Yuumi players must carefully balance their time spent attached and detached for chasing enemies or providing distractions.

  1. Thresh


  • Provides excellent crowd control
  • Can reposition allies with his lantern (W) to save them or initiate fights
  • Tanky and durable
  • May require strong mechanical skills to excel
  • Limited sustain compared to other supports
    Synergy and Strategies: Thresh’s ability to engage enemies and disrupt their positioning with his Q (Death Sentence) and E (Flay) makes him a top pick alongside Nilah. Thresh’s lantern ability (Dark Passage, W) grants opportunities for both initiating fights and saving Nilah from dangerous situations. While laning, cooperate in order to maximize harass potential and keep vision control to prevent ganks.


  1. Lulu


  • Offers a variety of utility and support
  • Shields, speed buffs, polymorph (silence/cripple), and knock-up
  • Can enhance Nilah’s attack with Pix (E)
  • Squishy and vulnerable
  • Steeper learning curve
    Synergy and Strategies: Lulu’s ability to amplify Nilah’s auto-attacks with Pix (E) and boost her movement speed with Whimsy (W) can be devastating to enemies. Lulu’s Wild Growth (R) can also provide an effective disengage tool, healing and knocking up nearby opponents. Communicate with your Nilah teammate to coordinate aggressive trades or defensive disengages.

  1. Nami


  • Great poke and sustain
  • Effective crowd control with her bubble (Q)
  • Can buff Nilah’s movement speed and auto-attacks with her E (Tidecaller’s Blessing)
  • Can run out of mana quickly if not managed properly
  • Less durable than tankier supports

Synergy and Strategies: Nami’s heal (W) can be used to poke or heal in extended trades. By alternating auto-attacks with the ADC, Nami’s E (Tidecaller’s Blessing) can greatly improve Nilah’s trade potential. During team fights, coordinate with Nilah and your team to land your Tidal Wave (R) effectively, either as an engage tool or for disengagement. Take note of Nilah’s ultimate cooldown and use your own R to pick off low-health enemies. Possible set ups for Nilah’s ultimate can also be setup with Nami’s E (Tidecaller’s Blessing). Be mindful of your mana usage, making sure to back off early if you’re running out. Finally, keep an eye on minions and the map to anticipate ganks and protect Nilah from getting caught out of position. With the right coordination between Nami and Nilah, you can take control of team fights and secure victory!


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