Baldur's Gate 3 Baldur's Gate 3 News

Baldur’s Gate 3 Dev Teases Unprecedented RPG Scale

Baldur’s Gate 3 Dev Teases Unprecedented RPG Scale

In a realm where imagination knows no bounds and every quest leads to endless possibilities, something giant stirs beyond the horizon. Larian Studios, the brilliant minds behind the colossal world of Baldur’s Gate 3, are brewing a storm of creativity so massive, it promises to eclipse their previous works. Brace yourselves, gaming aficionados – an RPG of unprecedented scale is on the drawing board, one that aims to “dwarf them all.”

At the recent Game Developers Conference, Larian CEO Swen Vincke dropped tantalizing hints about the studio’s ambitious plans for their next project. While not the immediate successor to Baldur’s Gate 3, this upcoming behemoth in the role-playing genre is a dream that has been simmering even before the icons of Baldur’s Gate walked the lands once more. Speaking to the future, Vincke remarked, “the very big RPG that will dwarf them all.”


The promise of an adventure that makes Baldur’s Gate 3 “look like a halfling’s mid-morning snack” is not just a bold proclamation but a glimpse into the future of gaming tech innovation. Vincke noted, “I think there is some tech that we don’t have yet.” It’s a daring acknowledgment of the challenges and excitement that lie ahead in game development, especially as the next generation of gaming systems looms on the horizon.

Larian CEO Swen Vincke on Baldur’s Gate 3: we’re not done with updating Bg3. There’s still a bunch of stuff coming like mod support and extra cinematics for some of the endings. Just not new content.
byu/Turbostrider27 inGames

What could possibly be in store for us that surpasses the already vast and intricate worlds Larian Studios is known for? While specific details remain shrouded in mystery, the ambition and track record of Larian hint at an epic that could redefine the boundaries of what we consider a “very big RPG” in 2024. The studio’s commitment to pushing the envelope further is palpable, with Vincke asserting that “for what we consider a ‘very big RPG’ in 2024, the studio is doing a pretty damn good job.”

This revelation leaves us eagerly anticipating what grand tale awaits in Larian Studios’ next chapter. A game that dwarfs the enormity of Baldur’s Gate 3 is a thrilling prospect, one that promises gaming experiences filled with even greater adventures, challenges, and stories that resonate with players worldwide.

For now, fans can revel in the mastery of Baldur’s Gate 3 while keeping an eye on the horizon for the next groundbreaking project from Larian. Whatever form this next-gen RPG takes, one thing is certain: the realms of gaming are about to expand in ways we can only imagine.

Stay tuned, intrepid explorers. The quest for the “very big RPG” is just beginning.

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