New Games News PS5

Kojima, the legendary game developer, is currently working on an exciting new project

Kojima, the legendary game developer, is currently working on an exciting new project. In collaboration with Sony and PlayStation Studios, he and his team at Kojima Productions are creating a next-generation action espionage game. This will be a completely original IP, codenamed PHYSINT, and serves as a celebration of Kojima’s 40th year in the industry.

Kojima Producstion has producuded the follwing legendry games in the past.

  1. Death Stranding 2- On the Beach 
  2. Death Stranding 2- DIrectors Cut 
  3. Death Stranding (PS4)
  4. A Hidio Kojima game – OD  (XBox)

Known for pushing boundaries, Kojima aims to blend games with other mediums in this project, transcending the barriers between film and video games. With the support of Sony and Columbia Pictures, this game promises to deliver an unparalleled gaming experience, featuring cutting-edge technology and a talented cast.

While details are still scarce, fans are hopeful that this could be a spiritual successor to the beloved Metal Gear Solid franchise. Despite Kojima’s messy split from Konami, he has not returned to the espionage genre he helped define. Although this new project may not be a part of the Metal Gear series, it is expected to offer a fresh take on tactical espionage action, with the backing of PlayStation.

There is also a slim possibility of a collaboration between Kojima and Konami for a new Metal Gear title, but for now, Konami seems more focused on rebuilding the franchise through re-releases and the Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater project.

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